13.10.2014 | 09:43
In English class we were supposed to make a glogster poster about an animal. In this project we had to be in groups, and about 3-4 people in one group. My group included 3 people and they were Kjartan and Justyna. The animal we picked was tigers. First we had to find information and find photos of tigers on Google.com. Then we took all of that and put it on a really cool glogster poster. In the beginning we had a bit of a problem getting in to glogster but we made it eventually. What I learned during this project was that I could probably not work with the same people again because we didnt work well together and it was all just a big mess, but the results of the project came out looking really good and Im kind of proud of it. But what I learned about tigers is that they live in Asia and the most population is in India and I didn't know that tigers have a bit of white on their bellies, on their throts and behind their ears.
So this is our project and I hope you like it
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Linda Líf Boama
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